Treeconomy Partners with British Airways and CUR8 on Pioneering Carbon Removal Purchase

Setting a new benchmark for permanence and durability in nature-based projects

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We at Treeconomy are excited to announce a groundbreaking partnership with British Airways and CUR8 to deliver an innovative carbon removal solution. As part of British Airways’ journey toward achieving net zero carbon emissions by 2050, the airline has purchased 3,000 tonnes of carbon removal credits from our nature-based projects: Montgreenan and Abergavenny. This partnership sets a new benchmark for permanence and durability in carbon removal, showcasing how scalable nature-based solutions can drive real climate impact.

A First-of-its-Kind: Stacking Carbon Credits for Greater Durability

What makes this collaboration truly unique is our approach to stacking carbon credits. In this transaction, we’ve combined 3,000 Woodland Carbon Code (WCC) Pending Issuance Units (PIUs) from Montgreenan, an afforestation project in Scotland, with 3,000 Sequoia Carbon Pending Units from Abergavenny, our partner project in the UK. This innovative stacking method extends the lifespan of conventional carbon removal projects, offering a solution to one of the biggest challenges in nature-based carbon removal: permanence.
Many nature-based projects traditionally have lifespans of 30 to 100 years, after which the risk of carbon reversal becomes a concern. By incorporating Sequoia credits, we are extending the effective lifespan of these projects. Giant Sequoias, with their ability to live and continue to grow for thousands of years, capture and store more carbon per acre than other tree species, ensuring that the carbon removed today remains securely stored for centuries to come. See the image below showing the carbon removal potential of Giant Sequoias in our partner project, Abergavenny,  by The Great Reserve, compared to other conventional types of forests.
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Extending the Durability of Conventional Carbon Removal Projects

Sequoia trees are exceptional for their long lifespans—often growing for over 3,000 years. Their towering size and continuous growth make them a highly effective tool for long-term carbon removal. By stacking Sequoia Carbon Pending Units alongside conventional WCC PIUs, we’re ensuring that the carbon sequestered in these projects has a far longer storage duration, addressing one of the significant limitations of nature-based solutions. See the graphic below illustrating how we can extend a conventional nature-based project duration by stacking it with the Abergavenny project.
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This innovative approach to carbon removal wouldn’t be possible without the Abergavenny Project by The Great Reserve, from which the Sequoia units originate. Abergavenny is an ambitious initiative focused on planting 100,000 Giant Sequoias across the UK. This project not only aims to preserve the endangered Sequoia species—currently listed on the IUCN Red List due to threats from wildfires in their native habitats—but also contributes to carbon removal efforts on an unprecedented scale.
Giant Sequoias are among the most effective carbon removers due to their immense size and longevity. Their towering height and ability to live for thousands of years allow them to capture far more carbon per acre than other tree species. The Great Reserve project leverages these unique characteristics to extend the lifespan of carbon removal far beyond typical nature-based projects. For every Sequoia planted, four native trees are planted alongside them to ensure a balanced, non-invasive approach. The project’s trees are planted on brownfield sites previously felled for commercial timber production.  Three native trees are planted for every Sequoia, and other conifer species are included as a nurse crop to protect the Sequoia from frost and wind. While the Sequoia credits extend the durability of these carbon removal projects, they are not intended to create additional carbon removal claims for companies. Instead, they serve to enhance the long-term security of the conventional nature-based carbon removal credits, providing reassurance that the carbon stored will remain sequestered for longer. 
Visit our detailed blog post here to learn more about the Great Reserve Project and its unique approach to nature restoration and carbon removal.

Setting a New Standard for Nature-Based Carbon Removal

This partnership with British Airways and CUR8 represents a new milestone for the carbon removal industry. By stacking carbon credits from diverse sources, we’re showing how nature-based projects can overcome lifespan limitations and ensure long-lasting climate impact. We believe this approach is a crucial step forward in the fight against climate change.
As our Head of Natural Capital, Charlie Roper, explains:
“We’re proud to be part of this pioneering transaction. It demonstrates that nature-based carbon removal can achieve long-term durability while also delivering a range of environmental co-benefits. Through collaborations like this, we’re helping to drive urgently needed funding for nature restoration, addressing both climate change and biodiversity loss.”

A Long-Term Commitment to Sustainability

This partnership is part of British Airways’ broader sustainability strategy to achieve net zero emissions by 2050. While the airline continues to invest in sustainable aviation fuel (SAF), new aircraft technology, and operational efficiencies, it is also committed to exploring innovative carbon removal strategies.
At Treeconomy, we’re committed to high-quality, nature-based carbon removal that not only addresses carbon emissions but also helps restore ecosystems and promote biodiversity. Our advanced monitoring technology and data systems ensure that the carbon removed is accurately measured and verified, giving confidence to all stakeholders involved in the transaction.

Moving Forward: A Model for Future Carbon Removal Projects

Through this collaboration, we’ve created a model that ensures long-term storage of nature-based carbon removal. By stacking credits from diverse projects, we’re providing a pathway for nature-based solutions that last far beyond traditional timelines, setting a new standard for how the carbon removal industry can evolve.
We’re excited to be working with forward-thinking partners like British Airways and CUR8 on this groundbreaking purchase. Together, we’re pushing the boundaries of what’s possible in nature-based carbon removal.
If you are a nature-based carbon removal project seeking support in monitoring, carbon credit sales, or project development, we are happy to help. Fill out the form here or reach out to us through
If you are a corporate buyer seeking high-quality nature-based carbon removal options, fill out the form here or contact us at