Treeconomy unveils its upgraded carbon removal marketplace, backed by robust MRV technology and science.
Carbon removal procurement tailored to the needs of corporates and market partners.
Company News
Marketplace Product Updates
Mar 11, 2024
Carolina Amu Trujillo

Originally, Treeconomy housed everything on one product - a marketplace and a nature-based project monitoring platform. However, last year, we recognised the need to separate the two into distinct platforms. As a result, we launched Sherwood 2.0, a nature-based project monitoring platform tailored to land managers, project developers, and natural capital investors. Sherwood provides tools for measuring, tracking, and reporting on nature-based projects to evidence their carbon & nature impact.
Over to the marketplace
Today, all eyes are on the unveiling of Treeconomy’s nature-based carbon removal marketplace - a platform designed specifically for corporates and market partners in search of nature-based carbon removal credits. Combining ecologically rich ecosystems with our world-class monitoring, reporting, and verification technology, we deliver monitored credits - the highest quality carbon removal credits available.
Our carbon removal credits and the projects they originate from adhere to existing standards, but they don’t stop there; they go beyond. With our ongoing monitoring, we can help demonstrate what was, what is, and what will be there.
Revolutionising carbon credit procurement
Treeconomy’s marketplace aims to revolutionise how organisations procure nature-based carbon removal credits by addressing a key challenge they face:
Conducting thorough due diligence pre-purchase - handling and reviewing diverse sources of information to assess the legitimacy and true impact of carbon credits.
Our marketplace supports companies to confidently incorporate removals in their climate strategies. With our comprehensive framework of project and carbon credit metrics and insights, we are bringing trust, transparency, and traceability to carbon removal impact claims. It’s all about ensuring climate contribution is legitimate, tangible, and de-risked.
The time for organisations to achieve their climate goals is now.
The platform is now fully operational and live here. Our new marketplace serves as a gateway for carbon buyers, offering Treeconomy’s carefully curated selection of high-quality nature-based projects. Via the marketplace, the projects can be effortlessly filtered by various key characteristics, including project type, standards, location, vintages, credit price, among others. Moreover, alongside detailed carbon and project data, the platform provides access to high-resolution satellite and drone imagery and up-to-date, on-the-ground data for project sites through a powerful dynamic map interface. We are empowering users with a comprehensive analysis of projects and their impact, all delivered in an easy-to-understand and trackable manner - not only for their use but also for external purposes such as reporting.
When ready, buyers can directly check credit availability and enquire for purchases. Our procurement options have been crafted to cater to our buyers' short- and long-term needs, currently offering two active options: spot and multi-year offtake contracts. A forward option will be available in upcoming platform upgrades (if you are interested in this type of procurement don’t hesitate to contact our sales team offline)
Purchase agreements can then be effectively managed via the platform. With access to a purchase log containing details on agreement status, carbon credit retirement time, downloadable purchase certificates, and comprehensive transaction documentation.
The marketplace is another piece of Treeconomy’s end-to-end ecosystem for scaling nature restoration, supporting both nature-based project developers and carbon removal buyers alike. More on the newly upgraded platform can be found here.