Treeconomy’s Monitored Credits

Our definition of what are the very best carbon removal credits

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Integrity is paramount in the voluntary carbon market (VCM), particularly in nature-based carbon removal projects. These projects vary in type, overall characteristics, methodologies, and standards, making it challenging for buyers to assess their quality. It’s important to recognise that not all nature-based projects are created equal and to understand how this impacts the carbon removal credits generated from them. 
Our work at Treeconomy has been closely related to this issue. We understand the crucial role of building the tools to demonstrate the value of nature-based carbon removal projects, which fosters the trust and confidence necessary to promote and scale investment in these solutions. This is why we advocate for monitored credits as the standard for high-quality carbon removal credits. 

Monitored Credit: Our Definition

We define a monitored credit as a nature-based carbon removal credit that is measured with rigorous technology-driven monitoring. This monitoring process provides measurable and traceable data that indisputably demonstrates the quality and tangible impact of the carbon credits generated from nature restoration projects. The digital quantification of monitored credits is a result of the four main components, layers of assurance, and what Treeconomy believes are innate principles of high quality in nature-based carbon removal. With each layer, we aim to give confidence in the purchase of carbon removal credits. 

Multiple Layers of Assurance, Make the Highest Quality Carbon Removal Credits

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1. Generated from Inherently Good Projects
Our monitored credits originate from projects meticulously designed and developed to enhance biodiversity and benefit communities, ensuring they are durable and long-lasting. Developers strive to recreate natural ecosystems within project areas, employing best practices to provide resilience to future stresses such as pests, diseases, and climate warming while delivering a wide range of ecosystem services. In addition, community engagement is integral to the projects we work with. Developers actively involve local stakeholders in their project design, taking into account the communities' invaluable knowledge and expertise. Early engagement ensures buy-in and ensures that projects deliver value to all stakeholders. Giving local communities a stake and a voice is the best way to foster ongoing support and stewardship of the projects.
2. Proven Additionality  
We can accurately assess additionality using reliable data, science, and appropriate baselining methods. Through this quantification and evaluation, we can demonstrate that the projects we work with deviate from business as usual and only occur due to the carbon revenue they receive. This principle is a must for maintaining environmental integrity, as it ensures that our monitored credits are only generated from projects that prove their additionality. Failure to do so would result in unabated emissions and harm to the environment. 
3. Tech-driven measurability
One key feature of our monitored credits is the precise measurability of carbon removal volumes. We use high-resolution drone and satellite data with AI programming to quantify carbon stock changes down to the tree level. Our tech-driven approach ensures the most accurate carbon volume data available, achieving quantitative insights crucial to reporting and tracing carbon removal efforts confidently and with the assurance of making a real difference.
4. Ongoing Monitoring
At Treeconomy, we take our commitment to quality very seriously. We don't stop at just selling carbon removal credits, we go above and beyond third-party standards. We do this by implementing ongoing satellite monitoring for each project. This allows us to continuously track and identify any risks that may arise during the project lifecycle. Doing so can provide valuable insights into the long-term effectiveness and performance of the projects we work with. We also report accurately on any loss events that might occur, giving reassurance and control of what is happening on the ground.
In summary, Treeconomy’s monitored credits provide carbon removal buyers with a solution to purchase and confidently take environmental action. We work with amazing ecological restoration projects, use high-precision monitoring to quantify and evidence impact, and provide continuous monitoring over time. Treeconomy's monitored credits deliver the ecological impact buyers seek from nature-based credits, along with the carbon removal evidence necessary for a high-quality carbon removal credit.

Ready to purchase carbon credits with us?

Explore our pipeline of projects by visiting Treeconomy’s marketplace or contact us at