Treeconomy Becomes a Member of the Nature Finance Certification Alliance

For the Future of Nature Finance in the UK

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Treeconomy has officially become a member of the Nature Finance Certification Alliance (NFCA) - a pivotal step in contributing to shaping the future of nature finance in the UK.
In a world grappling with climate change and biodiversity loss, attracting private capital is vital for effecting meaningful change. However, investors often lack the confidence to fully embrace nascent nature-based carbon removal markets. Hence, the work of networks such as the NFCA is crucial. Charlie Roper Ord, our Head of Natural Capital, aptly states about our new membership and its importance:
“The NFCA seeks to define industry best practices, offering a blueprint for the sustainable growth of natural capital markets and providing the reassurance that investors are crying out for. By joining the NFCA, Treeconomy will bring our deep expertise in the VCM and digital MRV to help define the future of nature markets and deliver tangible impact in the battle against nature loss and climate change.”
We hope to bring our expertise and insights from our robust MRV technology and science to the NFCA - from providing the data that evidences the impact and value of nature to demonstrating how to make it more accessible by presenting it in an easy-to-understand and tangible manner as the best way to support the trust, transparency, and traceability needed in nature-based solutions (NBs) and the carbon markets.
Our commitment as NFCA members extends beyond. We’re committed to enhancing integrity and transparency in the UK voluntary carbon and biodiversity credit market, helping to accelerate nature capital investment while ensuring the delivery of economic, social, and environmental impact and in this way addressing the latent nature crisis.
We are excited about the future that lies ahead, envisioning sustainable investment in nature-based projects as a trustworthy and valuable possibility as the norm.
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